
Final Report

VALIDITY REPORT Validity What is this?      Validity is one of the most important components of test usefulness, and it refers to the extent to which a test measures what it intends to measure. What is this used for?      It is used for providing a real measure of the particular content or skill(s) that we intend to measure. Exam context      The type of exam applied was Progress Test, it contains from unit 1 to unit 3 of the Empower Student’s book C1, the group that was evaluated Target Language V (7:00 am to 9:00 am), the exam contains 5 sections, grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing. The methods that were used are: correcting mistakes, multiple choice, underline, match, T or F and fill in the blanks. Data base      We used excel to make our data base to have the values of the exam, these values are: candidate’s number, sections, item’s number, good and bad answer...

Exam final version

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Facultad de Lenguas Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Ingles Target Language V Progress Test Name:______________________________________________   Date:________________   GrammarSection: (25 points) Part I Order the following sentences using the adverbs of manner correctly. 1.-He ate greedily the chocolate cake. 2.-She gave us generously the money. 3.-We do by hand our washing. 4.-We will be living in June in London. 5.-She made me so loudly laugh. 6.- Responsibly Gerard drives always. Part II Choose the most appropriate complement in each sentence. 7.-The Paula’s flight is bound to be late, although… A) it’s arrives at 6:00 pm                 B) it’s due at 6:00 pm              C) it’s arriving at 6:00 pm 8.-It’s no use phoning Bob at the office, h...